Lasnamäel elav proua Nina ütleb, et sõjale ei olnud muud võimalust, kuna inimesed ei taha natsidega koos elada. Ukraina presidendi Zelenskõi kohta jätkub proual vaid mürgiseid sõnu. «Mis tööd ta teeb? Istub oma punkris ja saadab välja natsipataljone. Ei lase inimesi välja, kui nad tahavad liikuda mööda neile tehtud humanitaarkoridore.» Nina ei mõista ka, miks Vene telekanalid ära keelati. «Kolm ja pool vanaeite vaatasid vene televisiooni, mina nende hulgas, mis ohtu me kujutame riigi julgeolekule? » küsib ta. FOTO: Kaader Videost
Eestil tuleb tõenäoliselt aasta lõpus valmis olla massiliseks rändeks Venemaalt. Kuna Eestis eksisteerib jätkuvalt venekeelne paralleelühiskond oma inforuumiga, võib ränne meie riigile suureks katsumuseks osutuda.
Saates «Otse Eloga» küsime, kas Eesti on valmis võimalikuks rändeks Venemaalt, kui majanduslik ja poliitiline olukord muutub seal väljakannatamatuks? Kas meie piir peab ning mis saab siis, kui Eestis asuv venekeelne elanikkond oma eraldiseisva inforuumiga kasvab hüppeliselt?
Lasnamäel elav proua Nina Sergejevna (76) räägib saates, et Ukraina sõjale ei olnud muud võimalust, kuna inimesed ei taha natsidega koos elada. Ukraina presidendi Zelenskõi kohta jätkub proual vaid mürgiseid sõnu. «Mis tööd ta teeb? Istub oma punkris ja saadab välja natsipataljone,» leiab proua. Kuidas tuua vene propaganda all elanud inimesteni tegelikult Ukrainas toimuv?
Stuudios on Euroopa Parlamendi saadik Yana Toom. «Inimesed, kes tulevad praegu Ukrainast, nad tulevad sellepärast, et siin saab hakkama vene keelega. Mida pommitatakse, on venekeelsed linnad. Tšernigov, Harkov, need on venelased! Neil on Ukraina pass, aga enamasti nad on venelased,» rääkis Yana Toom saates.
Ardo I.: See saade on järjrkordne tõestus, kui oluline on vaenuliku propaganda tõkestamine! Ja seda tuleb teha nii et propa tarbijatel ei jää enam mingit võimalust! Ja ärge öelge et ei saa, saab küll!
Indrek P.: Oi, Tšernogorova... Lihtsalt vastik...
Aare K.: Elo ei saanud hakkama. Kahju.
Yana jutt, et ameerikas polegi rahvust on jama. Rahvust ei ole, kuid on riigikeel!
Katsugu ta minna kusagil Texase linnakeses venekeelsesse kooli. Meil on riigikeeleks eesti keel ja siin PEAB antama haridust eesti keeles. Et seni pole venelastele seda tehtud, on nüüdsest ajalukku minev asi. Kohe tuleb koolitada rohkem lasteaia õpetajaid ja tuleb kaotada venekeelsed lasteaiad. Sealt edasi koolides esimesest klassist alustatakse eesti keelse õppega.
Igasugused yanatoomid oma vene kaitsemüüriga võivad omal vabal tahtel kolida kasvõi sinna rahvusteta ameerikasse, kui tahavad. Las proovivad seal olla venelased, kuni neile saab selgeks, et seal "rahvusteta" riigis pole ka vene rahvust. Iga venalane võib olla venelane. Vene rahvusriigis.
Taivo S.: Informeerivad lood täna, nii see lasnamäe memmega, kui ka koolis tehtud lugu. Riigimeestele ja -naistele tuleb tarkust soovida pöördelisel ajal õigete otsuste langetamiseks.
Toomas K.: Las vanamutt usub ,et kaamel on hoopis elevant jne. tema ajud pesti ära juba 60 a.tagasi ja seda on võimatu muuta. Probleem on selles ,et ka vene pubekad karjuvad Viru tänava burgeriputkade juures , krõm nash,, . Sellest on vaja lahti saada ja ,kui heaga ei saa siis koos perega sinna Krimmi tuleksi saata ,las naudivad.
Danel K.: Kes sel memmel keelab oma isamaa ruppe minna keegi teda siin kinni ei hoia
Mutin punn ootab teda
Jaanus T.: Ma olen aru saanud, et see on sõja õhutamine, miks ta veel vanlgas ei istu, kus kuradi kohas on eesti riik?
Talvit P.: Eestis tuleb keelustada rôve natsipropaganda nimega “ Ruski mir” ja kôik selle ropusega seonduv!
Mida see Lasnamäelane Eestis teeb?
Ulf A.: Palju venelased on vaja vaimuhaigla ravi peale sõda. Nende ajud on ju täiesti 180 kraadi ümber keeratud peas. Ja siis kõik on vastupidi. Tõde on vale ja kui Putin istub oma punkris (ja seda ta teeb) siis nad arvavad, et ta on Zelinski.
Raivo R.: Millal ometi eestlased ennast oma riigis kehtestavad? Ukrainlased suutsid 8 aastaga 99% venelasi oma riigi patriootideks teha, aga Eesti 30 a jooksul? 10-15%? Revanšiste vähemalt 50% russkojazõtžnõh?
Udo K.: Uljana Tšernogorova Kisseljova Toomile anti kodakondsus eriliste teenete eest tema äia, KGB Eesti välisluure juhi Pavel Toomi nõudmisel, mille sm. Edgar Savisaar ja Andrus Ansip täitsid. Mingeid erilisi teeneid ei ole olnud. Seega anti kodakondsus alusetult ja on õigustühine. Vene sovinismi pooldajate rehabiliteerimine ja reklaam avalikus meedias on päevapoliitiliselt seisukohalt inimsusevastane ja lubamatu !!
Matti K.: Moskva patriarhaadi papid intervjuusid ehk ei anna.
--Urmas A.: Muide, Moskva Patriarhaadi Õigeusu kirik Eestis (nagu ka Lätis ja Leedus) mõistis Vene agressiooni Ukrainas hukka. Isegi Valgevene Moskva Patriarhaadi Õigeusu kirik mõistis Vene agressiooni hukka. Nii kaugele on nad «langenud», et Moskvas kurdetakse kiriku «lagunemise» üle.
Toomas R.: Valmis tuleb olla pigem massiliseks väljarändeks Venemaale põhimõttel toeta riiki milles elad või ela riigis mida toetad.
Mrs. Nina, who lives in Lasnamäe, says there was no other option but war because people do not want to live with Nazis. She only has toxic words about the Ukrainian president Zelenskyy. "What work does he do? He sits in his bunker and sends out Nazi battalions. He doesn't let people go when they want to move along the humanitarian corridors made for them." Nina also does not understand why Russian TV channels were banned. "Three and a half old women watched Russian television, myself among them, what threat do we pose to national security?" she asks. Photo: Frame from video
Estonia will most likely have to be ready for a mass migration from Russia by the end of the year. Since a Russian-speaking parallel society with its own information space still exists in Estonia, migration may turn out to be a major challenge for our country.
While broadcasting "Otse Eloga" we ask whether Estonia is ready for a possible migration from Russia if the economic and political situation there becomes unbearable? Will our border hold, and what will happen if the Russian-speaking population residing in Estonia with its own separate information space grows by leaps and bounds?
Mrs. Nina Sergeyevna (76), who lives in Lasnamäe, says in the program that there was no other option but war in Ukraine because people do not want to live with Nazis. She only has toxic words about the Ukrainian president Zelenskyy. "What work does he do? He sits in his bunker and sends out Nazi battalions," she finds. How do we bring information on what is really happening in Ukraine to people who have lived under Russian propaganda?
Yana Toom, a member of the European Parliament, is in the studio. "People who come from Ukraine now, they come because you can get along with just Russian here. What is being bombed are Russian-speaking cities. Chernihiv, Kharkiv, these are Russians! They have a Ukrainian passport, but mostly they are Russians," said Yana Toom in the broadcast.**
**T/N: The Chernihiv oblast is 93% Ukrainian according to census data [source].
Ardo I.: This show is another testament to how important it is to prevent hostile propaganda! And this must be done in such a way that consumers of propaganda have no such opportunity! And don't say that you can't, you can!
Indrek P.: Oy, Chernogorova... Simply disgusting...
Aare K.: Elo couldn't manage. Too bad.
Yana's story that there's no American nation is bullshit. There's no nation, yet there is a state language!
How about she try to go to a Russian-language school in a small town somewhere in Texas. We have Estonian as the state language and education in Estonian MUST be provided here. That this has not been done for Russians so far is now a thing of the past. More kindergarten teachers need to be trained immediately and Russian-language kindergartens need to be abolished. From there on, in the first grade in schools, studies in the Estonian language will begin.
Any Yana Tooms, with their Russian defensive wall, can voluntarily move even there to nationless America if they want. Let them try to be Russians there until it becomes clear to them that there is no Russian nation in a country without "nationalities." Every Russian can be a Russian. In the Russian nation state.
Taivo S.: Informative stories today, both with this Lasnamäe woman and the story made at a school. Statesmen and women need the wisdom to make the right decisions at a time of change.
Toomas K.: Let the old woman believe that a camel is an elephant, etc., she was already brainwashed 60 years ago and that is impossible to change. The problem is that Russian kids are also shouting at the burger stalls on Viru St. Крым наш. It's necessary to get rid of this, and if you can't be good then you should be sent to Crimea with your family, let them enjoy.
Danel K.: Who forbids this old woman to go to the ruins of her homeland no one is holding her here
Putin's dick is waiting for her
Jaanus T.: I have understood that this is an incitement to war, why isn't he still in prison, in what hell is the estonian state?
Talvit P.: Disgusting Nazi propaganda with the name "Russki mir" and everything related to this filth must be banned in Estonia!
What is this Lasnamäe resident doing in Estonia?
Ulf A.: Many Russians will need mental health treatment after the war. Their brains are totally turned 180 degrees around in their heads. And then everything is the other way around. The truth is wrong, and when Putin sits in his own bunker (and he does) then they think that he is Zelenskyy.
Raivo R.: When will Estonians establish themselves in their own country? In 8 years, Ukrainians were able to make 99% of Russians into patriots of their country, but what about Estonia in 30 years? 10-15%? Revanšiste vähemalt 50% russkojazõtžnõh?
Udo K.: Ulyana Chernogorova Kisseljova Toom was given citizenship for special services to her father-in-law, at the request of Pavel Toom, the head of the KGB's Estonian foreign intelligence. Edgar Savisaar and Andrus Ansip fulfilled it. There have been no such special merits. Citizenship was therefore granted unjustifiably and is void. Rehabilitation of supporters of Russian chauvinism and advertising in the public media is anti-human and unacceptable from the current political point-of-view !!
Matti K.: The priests of the Moscow Patriarchate may not give interviews.
--Urmas A.: By the way, Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in Estonia (as well as in Latvia and Lithuania) condemned Russian aggression in Ukraine. Even the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in Belarus condemned the Russian aggression. They have "fallen" so far that in Moscow, there are complaints about the "disintegration" of the church.
Toomas R.: Rather, be prepared for mass emigration to Russia on the principle of supporting the country in which you live or live in the country that you support.